2021 |
‘Failures’ in a failing education system: comparing structural and institutional risk factors to early leaving in England and Portugal |
2022 |
A multi-stakeholder analysis of the risks to early school leaving: comparing young peoples’ and educators’ perspectives on five categories of risk |
2021 |
Comparing early leaving across Spain and England: variation and commonality across two nations of high and low relative early leaving rates |
2020 |
Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Risks to Early Leaving/ NEEThood |
2015 |
Early School Leaving in Portugal. Policies and actors' interpretations |
2018 |
Education and Training MONITOR 2018 |
2021 |
Estrategias de orientación y acción tutorial: herramientas que pueden evitar el abandono escolar temprano |
2022 |
Evaluation tools and procedures |
2019 |
Factors that hinder access to and persistence in post-compulsory education |
2022 |
Five mechanisms for tackling the risks to NEEThood: introducing a pathway to change to guide educators’ support strategies |
2022 |
Mechanisms for effectively tackling Early School Leaving and NEEThood |
2019 |
Mejorando las oportunidades juveniles: Plan de Choque por el Empleo Joven 2019-2021 |
2021 |
O MAXQDA como ferramenta de análise de dados qualitativos do projeto internacional Orienta4YEL |
2018 |
O Projeto Below 10 – prevenir e combater o abandono escolar |
2020 |
O que leva um jovem a desistir da escola? Que estratégias para o incluir no sistema educativo? Contributos do Projeto Europeu Orienta4YEL |
2021 |
Orientation and tutorial action proposal. Strategies for the action |
2020 |
Educational disengagement profiles: a multidimensional contribution within basic Vocational Education and Training |
2020 |
Promover o reingresso de alunos nos cursos profissionais: estratégias de operacionalização e possibilidades para reflexão |
2020 |
Proyecto Orienta4YEL |
2020 |
Què poden fer els ajuntaments per reduir l’abandonament escolar prematur? |
2019 |
Research for CULT Committee - How to tackle early school leaving in the EU |
2020 |
Són efectius els programes de lluita contra l’absentisme escolar? |
2021 |
Special issue: Understanding and Intervening on the Risks to Early School Leaving in Europe |
2022 |
Supporting educational and social inclusion of youth early leavers and youth at risk of early leaving through mechanisms of orientation and tutorial action |
2019 |
Tackling early school leaving: Principals’ insights into Portuguese upper secondary schools |
2019 |
Transiciones educativas · Monográfico |
2021 |
Um olhar sobre os fatores de risco para o abandono escolar precoce no ensino profissional na região de Leiria |
2021 |
Una Mirada sobre las Dinámicas de Intervención de Jóvenes en Riesgo de Abandono Escolar Temprano: el Contexto Portugués |
2021 |
Understanding and intervening in the personal challenges and social relationships risk categories to early leaving |
2021 |
Youth at risk of early leaving – A comparative view on the Romanian and German cases highlighting family circumstances and personal challenges as major risk categories and a foundation for support strategies |