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Transiciones educativas · Monográfico

Year: 2019
Authors: VVAA
Editor: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB
Publisher: Servei de Publicacions de la UAB
Link: https://educar.uab.cat/issue/viewIssue/v55-n2/71-pdf-ca-es-en
The monograph on Educational Transitions focuses on two educational stages: the first level of higher education, focusing on the dropout and persistence processes when a person moves to this educational stage, as well as in the construction of their professional project during their training; and the second level of higher education, analyzing a less studied educational stage in the Ibero-American reality. Moreover, analyze the transition from primary to secondary education, a critical stage for the beginning of the construction of the professional project. Taking into account these approaches, the monograph is a space for the analysis and debate about the student’s transitions processes from a global perspective.
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