The Orienta4YEL activities in Spain highlighted in the Ambassadors’ news of CEDEFOP (January – March 2021)
Website: https://www.cedefop.europa.eu/en/events-and-projects/networks/ambassadors-tackling-early-leaving-vet
Patricia Olmos Rueda shared with the CEDEFOP ambassadors the work conducted with the 10 educational institutions of Catalonia, Spain, involved in the project.
The regional initiative was published in the last Ambassadors’ news of January – March 202.
"Erasmus+ project Orienta4YEL in Catalonia, Spain Our VET toolkit Ambassador Dr Patricia Olmos Rueda (ES) shares the experience of the Erasmus+ project Orienta4YEL (604501-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN) — a good practice included in the VET toolkit for tackling early leaving. The project aims to tackle early school leaving (ESL) and support the social and educational inclusion of young people in compulsory secondary education and post-secondary education —VET being one of these educational stages. A set of 13 strategies for educational orientation and tutorial action – on prevention, intervention and compensation – were designed to provide educational institutions with resources to improve their response in facing ESL and to empower teachers and trainers to support learners at risk to continue on their educational paths. Despite the current situation and its derived difficulties, 10 secondary educational centres in the Catalan context are implementing or planning imminent implementation of some of these strategies."
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