Supporting educational and social inclusion of youth early leavers and youth at risk of early leaving through mechanisms of orientation and tutorial action

Authors: Patricia Olmos Rueda & Joaquín Gairín Sallán
Institution: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
This work aims to be a synthesis of the Project and its most significant contributions, seeking to give an overview of everything carried out and achieved, while reporting on the mechanisms that enable access to accumulated knowledge. It is no only a matter of disseminating the Project and its products, but also of encouraging and providing instruments, in the form of intervention strategies, to educational institutions and agents to improve their processess to deal with early leaving of education and training -the theme addressed within the framework of Orienta4YEL. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the challenge of preventing early leaving. Thus the document can and should be seen, as a general approach to the improvements that can be made in the strategic actions to improve the prevention and intervention processes against early leaving, in favour of an inclusive, equitable, and quality education. It is advisable to expand on the aspects of interest, starting from the documentation generated and referenced within the text.

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